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Turkish Ambassador Confirms ‘No Visa Ban’ on Nigerians

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2 Min Read

The Turkish Embassy has clarified that these reports are false and misleading, confirming that there is no visa ban on Nigerians.

Speaking to journalists, Wunmi Evelyn, the personal secretary to the Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, explained that while Turkey has discontinued the e-visa option for Nigerian passport holders, this change does not equate to a visa ban on Nigerians.

What the ambassador said:
“There is no visa ban on Nigerian passport holders,” Evelyn said.

“As it is well-known, if there will be any update regarding rules and procedures of the policies and practices of any country, these updates are officially notified to the respective foreign ministries, and statements/announcements are issued by the embassies,” she noted.

She emphasized that visa applications are assessed individually. If an applicant has previously been denied a visa, they should address any errors from the initial application and enhance the quality of their submission, as long as there is no evidence of fraud or forged documents

“Besides, he or she should update the documentation and refrain from supplying old versions of required supporting documents,” she added.

Despite being the most populous black nation globally and having one of Africa’s largest economies, Nigeria ranks among the ten least powerful African passports in 2024.

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