Latest News Africa News

Police Officer’s Affair Exposed in Courtroom Drama

A police officer stationed at the Lusaka Central Police, operating within the

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It was a joke when i said government will pay churches – Bawumia clarifies

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, serving as the Vice President and representing the New

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Ugandan Privately Owned TV and Radio Stations Decline to Air President Museveni’s Message

Uganda's privately owned television and radio stations have declined to broadcast a

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Zimbabwe to Impose Fines on Firms Ignoring Official ZiG Exchange Rate

Zimbabwe is taking a firm stance on the use of its new

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#TinubuMustGo Trends as Nigerians Reject Hardship, Inflation Imposed On Them

On social media platform X, the hashtag #TinubuMustGo has gained momentum as

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Chad’s junta declared winner of presidential election

Chadโ€™s military leader, Mahamat Deby Itno, emerged victorious in the recent presidential

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Kenyan Doctors End Nearly Two-Month Nationwide Strike

Kenya's public hospital doctors have opted to end their nearly two-month nationwide

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Nigerians react to 0.5% levy on money transfers

The recent introduction of a new levy on electronic banking transactions has

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Frustration Mounts as Floods Persist

As Kenya continues to endure heavy rainfall, the nation faces dire consequences

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Microsoft closes West Africa operations in Nigeria

Reportedly, the affected employees will receive salary payments until June and will

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