Tag: Featured

Beware of poisoned beans, Consumer Council warns Nigerians

The Consumer Protection Council (CPC) on Friday advised consumers to extensively parboil

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ACEP cautions GOIL on Exxon Mobil deal

GOIL is set to become ExxonMobilโ€™s local partner as it begins full-scale

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2019 Budget To Be Presented Next Week Thursday

Parliament is expected to host Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta for the

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Rand falls 1% as dollar rebounds on hawkish Fed statement

The rand was weaker against major global currencies on Friday afternoon, having

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Weโ€™ve not increased electricity tariffs โ€“ PURC

The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), has refuted claims of a 33%ย tariff

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Weโ€™ll be watching Menzgoldโ€™s online platform โ€“ SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has said it will be keeping

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Old factories can join 1D1F โ€“ Alan Kyerematen

Already existing factories which are seeking to expand their operations to employ

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New Owners Of ECG To Get $800 Million From AfDB

The African Development Bank, AfDB is to raise $800 million for the

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Consolidated Bank Ghana records five fraud cases

The Consolidated Bank Ghana(CBG) limited has recorded five cases of fraud within

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2019 budget must promote local capacity for input production – Peasant farmers

Peasants farmers, speaking through their umbrella organisation, Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana

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