Latest ANGOLA News

Angola’s ruling party wins, and the current president is re-elected.

According to official results released Monday, Angola's ruling party won legislative elections,

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Angolans assemble to pay tribute to former President Dos Santos.

On Sunday, Angolans and foreign dignitaries gathered for the funeral of long-serving

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UNITA, the opposition party in Angola, contests election results over “counting errors.”

The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), the country's

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Ruling party takes huge lead in the presidential race

In Angola, the MPLA is still in charge. The party in power

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Angola’s ruling party leads in early vote count

According to preliminary election results, Angola's long-reigning ruling party has a commanding

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Vote counting in Angola starts after polls close.

Voters in Angola went to the polls on Wednesday in what was

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Angolaโ€™s former president dos Santos will be laid to rest on Sunday

Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the former president of Angola, will be laid

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General elections in Angola begins.

Angola's general election, which takes place today, is anticipated to be the

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Angola mourns former President Dos Santos

Former President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who passed away on Friday in

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Jose Eduardo dos Santos, a former president of Angola, passes away at 79.

Jose Eduardo dos Santos, a former president of Angola who presided over

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